IntervalM-MonthlyB-BIANNUALLYA-AnnuallyItemITEM TO BE INSPECTEDPROCEDURESNo.MBATM 5-4310-393-14Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Check and Services (PMCS)1Diesel EngineRemove the diesel engine if It needs to be removed forrepairs or if it is non-repairable (paragraph 4-13.1).2Engine Cylinder HeadCheck tappet clearance, check decompressionValvesmechanism paragraph 4-13.2).3Engine Fuel InjectorRemove, Test, Install (paragraph 4-13.3).4Compressor CoolingInspect, Replace if damaged (paragraph 4-14.1).System5Compressor LubricationInspect, Repair, Replace (paragraph 4-14.2).System6CompressorInspect, Remove, Repair, Replace (paragraph 4-14.3).Impeller/Groove Pulley7Compressor Valve HeadInspect, Replace (paragraph 4-14.4, 4-14.5, & 4-14.6).and Valves8Fuel FilterReplace the fuel filter annually or after every 480 hoursof operation which ever comes first (paragraph 4-15)9Purifier CylinderInspect, Replace if corrosion is excessive or ifotherwise defective (paragraph 4-16).10Oil/Water SeparatorsInspect, Replace as necessary (paragraph 4-17).11Pressure MaintainingAdjust, Replace (paragraph 4-18).Valve12Interstage PressuresCheck (paragraph 4-19).13Tubing and FittingsReplace if damaged (paragraph 4-20)14Safety Relief ValvesRemove and bench test all safety valves every 6months to ensure proper setting and function. Replacedefective valves. Leak test after installation.15Reciprocating CompressorRemove the compressor as required for repair or if Itneeds to be replaced (paragraph 4-14.7).16V-BeltRemove belt guard and visually inspect the drive V-beltfor wear, fraying, and peeling. Check belt tension.Replace V-belt if damaged or worn. (paragraph 3-14.2)4-4
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