Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-4310-256-150024Figure 1. Air compressor, right rear, three-quarter view with shipping instructions.Figure 1. Air compressor, right rear, three-quarter view with shipping instructions. (cont)Figure 2. Air compressor, left front, three-quarter view.Figure 2. Air compressor, left front, three-quarter view. (cont)Differences in Models - TM-5-4310-256-150029Chapter 2. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-4310-256-150030Section II. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORKSITE - TM-5-4310-256-150031Section IV. OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT - TM-5-4310-256-150032Operation in Extreme Heat - TM-5-4310-256-150033Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas - TM-5-4310-256-150034Operation Under Rainy or Humid Conditions - TM-5-4310-256-150035Section V. OPERATION OF MATERIEL USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE EQUIPMENTFire Extinguisher (Dry Chemical Type)Chapter 3. OPERATOR AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-4310-256-150038Figure 8. Lubrication order.Figure 8. Lubrication order. (cont)Section III. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICES - TM-5-4310-256-150041Figure 10. Daily preventive maintenance servicesFigure 10. Daily preventive maintenance services (cont)Figure 11. Quarterly preventive maintenance services.Figure 11. Quarterly preventive maintenance services. (cont)Section IV. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCE - TM-5-4310-256-150046Section VI. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION - TM-5-4310-256-150047Fuel LineEngine Oil Drain LineSection VIII. COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY AND COMPONENTSV-Bolt Guard and BracketsTube Assemblies - TM-5-4310-256-150052Figure 16. Engine bracket, drive pulley, and V-belts.Figure 17. V-belt guard, removal and installation.Figure 18. Compressor assembly, exploded view.Figure 19. Compressor components, exploded view.Figure 20. Intake and exhaust valves, removal and installation.Figure 21. Valves and gaskets, exploded view.Section IX. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTSSection X. WHEELS AND TIRESChapter 4. DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-4310-256-150061Table 1. Compressor Repair and Replacement StandardsChapter 5. GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-4310-256-150063Chapter 6. COMPRESSOR REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-4310-256-150064Figure 24. Crankshaft and correcting rod bearings, removal and installation.Figure 25. Pistons, connecting rods, and crankshaft, exploded view.Figure 26. Hand truck assembly, exploded view.Appendix I. REFERENCES - TM-5-4310-256-150068Appendix II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST AND MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIESSection II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - TM-5-4310-256-150070Section III. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIES - TM-5-4310-256-150071Figure 27. Basic issue items.Appendix III. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTExplanation of Columns in Section III - TM-5-4310-256-150074Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-4310-256-150075Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (cont) - TM-5-4310-256-150076Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (cont) - TM-5-4310-256-150077Section IV. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-4310-256-150078Appendix IV. REPAIR PARTS LISTMaintenance. - TM-5-4310-256-150080Table 1. Prescribed Load ListingDirect and General Support Maintenance 15-Day levelAbbreviations - TM-5-4310-256-150083SECTION II - REPAIR PARTS LISTGROUP - TIRES, TUBES5000 - AIR COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY5005 - VALVES, CAMSHAFT AND TIMING MECHANISM5007 - COMPRESSOR DRIVESECTION II - REPAIR PARTS LIST - PART IISECTION II - REPAIR PARTS LIST - PART IIIFigure 28. V-beltguardTM-5-4310-256-15 Compressor Reciprocating Air Hand Truck Mounted Gasoline Engie. 8 CFM 175 PSI (Champion Pneumatic Model LP-832-ENG-2) Manual