grinding, riveting, straighten-
C-3. Explanation of Columns in Section III
ing, adjusting and facing.
a. Reference Code. This column consists of
Restore an item to a completely
a number and a letter separated by a dash.
serviceable condition (as pre-
scribed by serviceability stand-
The number references the T and TE require-
ards developed and published by
ments column on the Maintenance Assignment.
the commodity commands) by
The letter represents the specific maintenance
employing techniques of "Inspect
function the item is to be used with. The let-
and Repair Only as Necessary"
ter is representative of columns A through K
(IROAN). Maximum use of
on the Maintenance Assignment.
diagnostic and test equipment is
combined with minimum disas-
This column
b. Maintenance Category.
sembly during overhaul. "Over-
shows the lowest level of maintenance author-
haul" may be assigned to any
ized to use the special tool or test equipment.
level of maintenance except or-
c. Nomenclature. This column lists the name
ganizational, provided the time,
or identification of the tool or test equip-
tools, equipment, repair parts
authorizational, and technical
skills are available at that level.
d. Tool Number. This column lists the man-
Normally, overhaul as applied
ufacturer's code and part number, or federal
to end items is limited to depot
stock number of tools and test equipment.
maintenance level.
Restore to a condition compara-
bly to new by disassembling to
C-5. Explanation of Columns in Section IV
determine the condition of each
a. Reference Code. This column consists of
component part and reassem-
two letters separated by a dash, both of which
bling using serviceable, rebuilt,
are references to section II. The first letter
or new assemblies, subassem-
blies, and parts.
references column M and the second letter
references a maintenance operation, columns
d. Reference Note. This column, subdivided
A through K.
into columns L and M, is provided for refer-
b. Remarks. This column lists information
encing the special tool and test equipment re-
pertinent to the maintenance operation being
quirements (sec. III) and remarks (sec. IV)
performed, indicated on the Maintenance As-
that may be associated with maintenance.
functions (sec. II).
signment section II.