ception or revision to the
range of items authorized will
upon engineering experience,
allowance list.
Revisions to t he
be made by this Command based
demand data, or TAERS information.
_. Thirty-Day DS/GS Maintenance Allowances.
(1) The allowance columns are divided into three subcolumns. In-
dicated in each subcolumn, opposite the first appearance of
each item, is the total quantity of items authorized for the
number of equipments supported.
Subsequent appearances of
same item will have no entry in the allowance column, but
will have in the description column a reference to the first
appearance of the item.
Items authorized for use as required
but not for initial stockage are identified with an asterisk
in the allowance column.
(2) The quantitative allowances for DS/GS levels of maintenance
will represent initial stockage for a 30-day period for the
number of equipments supported.
(3) Determination of the total quantity of parts required for
maintenance of more than 100 of these equipments can be
accomplished by converting the equipment quantity to a deci-
mal factor by placing a decimal point before the next to
last digit of the number by the parts quantity authorized in
the 51-100 allowance column.
Example, authorized allowance
for 51-100 equipments is 40; for 150 equipments multiply 40
by 1.50 or 60 parts required.
i .
One-Year Allowances Per 100 Equipments/Contingency Planning
Purposes. Indicates opposite the first appearance of each item the