If equipment: fails -to operate, refer to troubleshooting procedures in Chapter 3.
2-2. Operation under Usual Conditions
2-1. Control and Instruments
a. Preparation for Starting."
a. General. This section will describe .the-various
controls and instruments (fig,2-1) and provide the
(1) Perform
the before operation services
operator sufficient information to insure proper operation
of the air compressor.
(2) Check that all tools, rags, or other foreign
b. Pressure Switch.
The pressure switch (fig. 2-1)
is the automatic start and stop control. It makes and
(receiver) area.
breaks the electrical circuit starting and stopping the
driving motor.. The pressure switch is piped to the
(3) With ON-OFF switch on motor starter at
receiver, and is actuated by changes in air receiver
OFF, turn on power from source.
c. Pressure Gage.
The pressure gage (fig. 2-1) dial
When moving ON-OFF switch to
is marked with a dotted line at 175 psi, and a solid line at
ON, be prepared to stop the
200 psi. When the -gage indicator hand points at 175 (or
compressor instantly, if rotation
below) the pressure switch will turn the drive motor ON.
does not match the direction
When the hand reaches 200, the pressure switch will turn
indicated by the red arrow at upper
the drive motor OFF.
left of the belt guard assembly.
d. Motor Starter.
The motor, starter (fig. 2-1) must
be connected to a controlled:; power source of 115 volts
b. Starting.
Start" the air compressor; unit by
alternating current. When that power reaches the motor
moving the ON-OFF switch to ON.
starter, and the ON-OFF switch is moved to ON, the
motor will drive the compressor until the pressure switch
c. Stopping.
Stop the air compressor unit by
is actuated (c. above).
moving the ON-OFF switch to OFF.
e. Safety Relief Valve.
The safety relief valve (fig.
d. Placing Unit in Stand by Condition. Place -the
2-1) is set by the factory to blow off at 210 psi. This
unit in stand by condition as follows:
prevents overpressure, should the pressure switch
(1) Check-the oil level
become inoperative.
controls, and indicates, the amount of air being
(3) Move ON-OFF switch to OFF.
discharged into tires of various sizes.
e. Placing Unit in Shutdown Condition.
g. Check Valve. There is a check valve screwed
(1) Perform steps (1), (2), and (3) of d. above.
into the air receiver at the point where; the compressor
cylinder discharge line enters the receiver. This valve
(2) Turn power off at source, and lock it out.
prevents air from the receiver returning to the compressor
cylinder, after the compressor has stopped running and
the unloader valve has released all pressure inside the
There is no auxiliary equipment with this end item.