TM 5-4310-354-14
1-9. Difference Between Models. This manual covers
b. Tabulated Data.
only the Davey Compressor Company Model 6M125
rotary air compressor. No known differences exist for
Compressor Skid Unit Assembly
the model covered herein.
Manufacturer ...........................Davey Compressor Company
1-10. Tabulated Data.
Model number .........................6M125
Air compressor type ...............Sliding blade, rotary
a Identification.
The air compressor unit has
Unit part number .....................68516
major identification and instruction plates. The location
Air volume ...............................125 CFM (3.5 M3/MIN)
and informational content of these plates is as follows:
Air pressure .............................100 PSI (7 kPa)
Stages ......................................One
(1) U.S. Army data plate. The U.S. Army
Prime mover ............................Diesel engine
data plate is located on the left front housing support
Compressor oil filter part
panel. The data plate specifies the unit nomenclature,
number .....................................44686 (Assembly)
model number, contract number, serial number,
27268 (Element)
capacity, registration number, gross vehicle weight,
Air cleaner assembly ..............MS39247-3
National Stock Number, date of manufacture, engine
Air cleaner element ................P10-6603
serial number, unit weight, warranty data, physical
Electrical system
dimensions, date shipped, inspection data, and
(negative ground) ...................12 VDC
Mounting ..................................Skid
Serial numbers .......................32P65-23398, 32P65-23399,
(2) Shipping data plate. The shipping data
32P65-23561 thru 32P65-23520
plate is located on the left front housing support panel.
This plate shows a silhouette of the unit in transport
position and illustrates location of lifting and tiedown
eyes. The plate specifies center of gravity, maximum
Engine Assembly (prime mover)
loading of lifting and tiedown eyes, dimensions, and
shipping weight.
Manufacturer ...........................White Engines, Inc.
Model ........................................D2000X116
(3) Hazard warning plate. You will find two
Type ..........................................4-Cycle Diesel
hazard warning plates, located one on each side of the
Number of cylinders ...............4
unit, mounted on the front housing support panels.
Bore and stroke ......................3 3/4 x 4 12 inches (9.525 x
These plates specify the distance within which ear
11.43 CM)
protection is required when unit is operating.
Displacement ..........................198.81 Cubic inches
(3258.50 CM3)
(4) Operating
Compression Ratio ................17.5:1, 400-450 PSI (28-31 kPa)
operating instruction plate is located on the left housing
Firing order ..............................1-2-4-3
door panel near the instrument panel.
The plate
Governed speed .....................2200 rpm
specifies before starting, starting, and stopping
Idle speed ................................1000 rpm
instructions. Lubrication specifications are also included.
Horsepower .............................59.3 BHP (60.130)
(Net continuous) .....................38.6 BHP (39.14)
(5) Compressor data plate. The compressor
Recommended fuel
data plate is located on the top of the compressor end
(Fed Spec VV-F-800) .............No. 2 (ASTM D-975)
cover (driven end). The plate specifies the compressor
Engine Accessories
model number and serial number.
(1) Starting motor
(6) Engine data plate. The engine data plate
is located on the right-hand side of cylinder block (facing
Manufacturer ...........................Delco-Remy Div of General
The plate specifies cylinder firing order,
Motors Corp
exhaust and inlet valve tappet clearance settings, engine
Part number .............................1109189
timing in degrees before top dead center (BTDC), serial
Type (negative ground) .........12 VDC
and model number.
(7) Fuel injection pump plate. This plate is
located on the side of the fuel injection pump housing.
Plate data includes injection pump model number, full
Manufacturer ...........................Delco-Remy Div of General
load speed in rpm, serial number, engine manufacturer's
Motors Corp
part number assigned to the pump, and the pump
Part number .............................1100582
manufacturer's name.
Rating (negative ground) ......12 VDC. 37 AMP
1-4 Change 2