TM 5-4310-386-14
Lubrication system.
Check to see that drain plug is installed in engine crankcase.
Check oil level in engine crankcase. Oil level should show at top mark on dipstick.
Fill crankcase to the proper level with oil, item 14, Appendix E, if applicable.
Check to see that drain plug is installed in compressor.
Check oil level in compressor. Oil level should show at top indenture on dipstick.
You must use approved compressor lubricant. Failure to do so may contaminate compressed air.
Fill compressor to proper level with oil, item 15, Appendix E, if applicable.
Refer to Section III of this chapter to lubricate clutch throw-out collar, clutch main shaft bearing, clutch
pilot bearing, and clutch lever shaft.
Inspect engine alternator and compressor belt drive for proper tension. Adjust belt tension so that a
firm push with thumb at a point midway between the two pulleys will depress the belt 0.4 - 0.6 inches.
Purification cartridges.
Cut nylon strapping securing wooden container to frame.
Open wooden container and remove cartridge containers.
Remove cartridge containers.
Have Direct Support maintenance install cartridges in purification cylinder.
General ........................................................................................................................................4-4
Lubrication Instruction ..................................................................................................................4-4
4-7. General. There is no Lubrication Order (L.O.) for the K-20-D Compressor Unit. This section includes instructions
for lubricating the compressor unit. The items to be lubricated in the following will be included in the PMCS chart with the
interval in hours listed and this paragraph referenced.
4-8. Lubrication Instruction.