days, to keep them ready for service. This charging should be at one ampere per positive plate
per cell. This means that a 25-plate battery should be charged at 12.0 amperes.
(4) Blow the filter elements and the inside of filter connections with compressed air. Refer to lubrication order
(5) Tag the unit indicating that the cooling system is dry and batteries are removed.
237. Domestic Shipment
a. General. Information in this section is published for the guidance of personnel responsible for packaging and
shipping the air compressor. Refer to paragraph 236 for preparation for shipment.
b. Hoisting and Blocking. Since the air compressor is mounted on a truck, refer to TM 9-819 for instructions for
hoisting and blocking the truck for shipment.
238. General
When capture or abandonment of the air compressor is imminent, the responsible unit commander must make the
decision either to destroy the equipment or render it inoperative. Based on this decision, orders are issued which cover
the desired extent of destruction. Whatever method of demolition is employed, it is essential to destroy the same vital parts
of all air compressors and all corresponding repair parts.
239. Preferred Demolition Methods
Explosives and mechanical means, either alone or in combination, are the most effective methods of demolition to
employ. Listed below are the vital parts in order of priority of demolition for each preferred method. In each case,
completion of the first three steps will render the equipment inoperative. Completion of the additional steps listed will
further destroy the unit.
a. Demolition by Explosives (fig. 109). Place as many of the following charges as the situation permits and detonate
them simultaneously with detonating cord and a suitable detonator:
(1) Two 2-pound charges on the engine and compressor valve covers.
The above charges are the minimum requirement for this method.