TM 9-4310-394-13
Check for bending of the push rods.
Inspect and clean thoroughly the gasket and O-ring areas of cylinder head and crankcase.
Replace any components that do not meet inspection criteria.
Remove slight scratches or scuff marks with crocus cloth.
Installation. (Refer to Figure 5-6).
Insert two new valve stem seals (12) onto valve guide.
Insert valves (10 and 11) into cylinder head.
Install valve spring washer (9).
Install valve springs (6).
Compress valve spring (6) and install retainer (8) and retainer keeper (7).
Install two valve caps (5).
Rocker arm with flat head is for the exhaust valve only.
Refer to Figure 5-5. Place new cylinder head gasket (12) and push rod O-ring (11) onto cylinder block.
Install cylinder head (10) onto four studs protruding from cylinder block.
Note tag on push rods (13) and position push rods into cylinder block in the cam followers.
Secure cylinder head (10) to cylinder block using two nuts (8), two washers (9), two nuts (6), and two
washers (7).
Tighten nuts using torque wrench to 20-23 ft-lb (280-320 kg-cm).
Refer to Figure 5-6. Install valve stem caps (5).
Install rocker arm support (2) with intake valve rocker arm (3) and exhaust valve rocker arm (4) attached.
Tighten rocker arm support bolt (1) with torque wrench to 14-16 ft-lb (200-220 kg-cm).