TM 9-4310-394-13
1-7. NOMENCLATURE CROSS-REFERENCE LIST. To simplify the use of certain terms used in this technical manual,
some common names have been used to replace longer or more complex terms. The following list shows the common
name used in this technical manual and the official nomenclature of the terms these common names replace.
Common Name
Official Nomenclature
Air Compressor Unit
Air Compressor, Portable, 5 cfm,
1-8. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. All abbreviations use within this technical manual conform to the standard military
abbreviations found in MIL-STD-12, Abbreviations for Use on Drawings, and in Specifications, Standards, and Technical
Characteristics and Capabilities. The Air Compressor Unit (ACU) is designed to provide compressed air and
has the following characteristics and capabilities.
(1) Self contained diesel engine driven unit.
(2) The ACU is capable of continuously providing compressed air at the pressure of 175 psig at a rate of 5
cubic feet per minute.
b. Features. The ACU has the following features.
(1) The diesel engine is equipped with an electrical starter when battery power is available to assist in the
starting of the unit. It is also equipped with a manual recoil type starter when battery power is not available.
(2) The ACU is mounted on a special chassis equipped with two handles mounted at the end of the chassis to
provide an easy way of manually moving the ACU to various operating sites.
(3) The ACU has been designed as a lightweight unit capable of being moved easily by only two operators.
1-10. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS. The followingmajor components of the ACU are
described below and are located as shown on Figure 1-2.
Air Hose (1). A 50 feet long air hose is provided to transfer the compressed air for the receiver
tank on the ACU to the component requiring the compressed air.
b. Chassis Assembly (2). All of the components of the ACU are mounted and assembled to a chassis assembly.
This chassis is equipped with two lifting handles to allow for easier movement of the ACU to other locations.
Compressor (3). A two stage air compressor is attached to the diesel engine assembly. This reciprocating
compressor unit uses two sets of piston assemblies to compress air to a pressure of 175 psig.