Malfunction-Occurs when a unit fails to operate normally.
Manually-By hank; employing human rather than mechanical energy.
Manufacturer-The company which makes an item or piece of equipment for sale.
Materiel-Equipment, apparatus, and supplies of an organization such as the army.
Obstruction-An obstacle.
Pilot Valve-A device to control the compressor load and unload functions by air.
Pinch Point-A spot or place where moving equipment may come into close contact with another object and trap, crush, or
pinch anything in its way. Personnel should stand clear of possible pinch points prior to startup of equipment.
Pivot-A short rod or shaft about which a related part rotates; the act of turning on or as if on a pivot.
Prime Mover-Major motive force. A engine is the prime mover of the compressor.
Recommendations-Suggestions for change; advice given usually to make an improvement.
Require-To demand or need.
Scope-The extent of an activity or concept; the amount of information covered as in a book.
Suction Valve-A valve used to control air flow entering the compressor.
Torque-Force around an axis. It produces a rotary or twisting motion, and is measured in foot pounds (ft lb) or newton-
meters (Nm).
Toxic-Harmful; deadly; poisonous.