TM 5-4220-227-14
a. The recompression chamber is equipped with four lifting eyes located along top centerline. The chamber may be
lifted by using two, either the inner or the outer, pair, of the lifting eyes. The chamber may also be moved with a forklift
using the channels in the skid base. The estimated total weight of the unit is 3000 lbs. Care must be taken not to drop,
dent, or puncture the chamber shell.
Should the shell of the 3-Person Recompression Chamber be damaged, it shall be repaired and recertified
in accordance with ASME and National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors requirements.
b. The 3-Person Recompression Chamber is an enclosed area into which personnel must enter and remain for the
duration of their recompression treatment. It is therefore mandatory that the chamber (inside and out) be maintained
hygienically clean and uncluttered. Care must be taken to clean the chamber compartments on a regularly scheduled
basis. See chapter 4, Section VI, for Unit Level Cleaning Procedures for Air and Oxygen Systems.
In an enclosed compartment from which personnel cannot readily escape, fire is an ever present danger.
In a pressurized, oxygen enhanced atmosphere, a spark from any source could cause rapid burning and/or
an explosion. It is therefore mandatory that no spark producing device (matches, cigarette lighters, etc.)
be taken into the chambers. Do not allow such items as metal helmets, boot or shoe cleats, or other metal
objects to be worn or taken inside the chamber.
Take all possible precaution to prevent static electric build up. Ensure that the chamber is electrically
grounded. Ensure that the external electrical power source connected to the Chamber GFI is electrically
grounded. Ensure that the external electrical power supplies, both 220 and 110 VAC, for the heater/chiller
module have proper electrical grounds. Ensure that the heater/chiller unit, carbon dioxide scrubber unit,
temperature probe, and folding bunk in the I/L are electrically grounded.
c. While every effort is taken to make the personnel under treatment inside the chamber comfortable, such personal
items as battery operated radios, shaving devices, etc., will not be taken inside.