b. Federal Stock Numbers. This column
4. Explanation of Columns Contained in
lists the 11-digit Federal stock number used
Section III
for requisitioning purposes.
a. Item. This column contains numerical
sequenced item numbers, assigned to each com-
c. Description.
ponent application, to facilitate reference.
(1) The item name and a brief description
b. Component Application. This column
of the part are shown.
identifies the component application of each
(2) A 5-digit Federal supply code for
maintenance or operating supply item.
manufacturers and/or other technical
services is shown in parentheses fol-
c. Source of Supply. This column lists the
lowed by the manufacturer's number.
basic number of the technical service assigned
This number shall be used for requisi-
supply responsibility for the item. Those
tioning purposes when no Federal
spaces left blank denote Corps of Engineers
Stock Number is indicated.
supply responsibility. Technical Service basic
Example: (08645) 86453
number used in this manual is:
(3) The letters "GE", shown in paren-
10-Quartermaster Corps
theses immediately following the de-
d. Federal Stock Numbers. This column lists
scription, indicate General Engineer
the n-digit Federal stock number used for req-
supply responsibility for the part.
uisitioning purposes.
d. Unit of Issue. Where no abbreviation is
e. Description. The item name and a brief
shown in this column, the unit of issue is "each".
description are shown.
e. Quantity Authorized. This column lists
f. Quantity Required for Initial Operation.
the quantities of repair parts, accessories, tools,
This column lists the quantity of each mainten-
or publications authorized for issue to the
ance or operating supply item required for ini-
equipment operator or crew as required.
tial operation of the equipment.
f. Quantity Issued with Equipment. This
g. Quantity Required for 8 Hours Operation.
column lists the quantity of repair parts, tools,
This column lists the quantity required for 8
or publications that are initially issued with
hours operation.
each item of equipment. Those indicated by an
h. Notes. This column contains informative
asterisk are to be requisitioned through normal
notes keyed to data appearing in the preceding
supply channels are required.
g. Illuatrations.
(1) Figure number. Provides the identi-
5. Comments and Suggestions
fying number of the illustration.
S u g g e a t i o n s and recommendations for
(2) Item number. Provides the refer-
changes to the Basic Issue Items List and/or
enced number for the parts shown in
Maintenance and Operating Supplies Table
the illustration.
shall be submitted on DA Form 2028 to the
Commanding Officer, U. S. Army Mobility Sup-
3. Federal Supply Code for Maintenance
port Center, ATTN: SMOMS-MS, P. O. Box
11568-Champion Pneumatic Machinery Co.
119, Columbus 16, Ohio. Direct communica-
94894-Milton Manufacturing Co., Inc.
tion is authorized.
1. General
This section lists the accessories, tools, and publications required for 1st echelon maintenance
and operation, initially issued with, or authorized for, the air compressor.