be manufactured at indicated main-
1. General
tenance echelons.
Section II lists the accessories, tools, and pub-
(d) X2-applied to repair parts which
lications required in 1st echelon maintenance
are not stocked. The indicated
and operation, initially issued with, or author-
maintenance echelon requiring such
repair parts will attempt to obtain
Section III lists the maintenance and operat-
them through cannibalization; if not
ing supplies required for initial operation.
obtainable through cannibalization,
such repair parts will be requisi-
2. Explanation of Columns Contained in
Section II
through normal supply channels.
a. Source Codes. The information provided
(3) Maintenance. The lowest mainten-
in each column is as follows:
ance echelon authorized to use, stock,
(1) Technical service. This column lists
install, or manufacture the part is in-
the basic number (or symbol) of the
dicated by the following code symbol:
technical service assigned supply re-
O - Organizational Maintenance
sponsibility for the part. Those spaces
(lst and 2d echelon).
left blank denote Corps of Engineers
(4) Recoverability. Repair parts and/or
supply responsibility. General Engi-
tool and equipment items that are re-
neer supply parts are identified by the
coverable are indicated by one of the
letters GE in parentheses, following
following code symbols:
the nomenclature in the description
(a) R-applied to repair parts and as-
column. Technical services basic num-
semblies which are economically re-
bers used in this manual are:
pairable at field maintenance facili-
10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Quartermaster Corps
ties (3d and 4th echelons) and are
12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjutant General's Corps
normally furnished by supply on an
The selection status and
(2) Source.
exchange basis.
source of supply for each part are in-
(b) T-applied to high-dollar value re-
dicated by one of the following code
coverable repair parts which are
subject to special handling and are
(a) P-applied to high-mortality repair
issued on an exchange basis. Such
parts which are stocked in, or sup-
repair parts are normally repaired
plied from, the technical service de-
or overhauled at depot maintenance
pot system and authorized for use
at indicated maintenance echelons.
(c) U-applied to repair parts specifi-
(b) P1-applied to repair parts which
cally selected for salvage by recla-
are low-mortality parts, stocked in
mation units because of precious
or supplied f rem, technical service
metal content, critical meterials,
depots and authorized for installa-
high-dollar value reusable casings,
tion at indicated maintenance ex-
castings, and the like.
(c) M-applied to repair parts which are
not procured or stocked but are to