of lower levels. The symbol designation for the
indexes normally are set up in accordance with
various maintenance levels are as follows:
their function and proximity to each other.
b. Component Assembly Nomenclature. This
O/C-Operator or crew
O --Organizational
column contains the functional grouping index
heading, Subgroups heading, and a brief de-
DS --Direct Support
cription of the part starting with the noun
GS --General Support
D --Depot
c. Essentiality. The essentiality column re-
e. Reference Note. This column is subdivided
flects whether or not an assembly, or repair
in two columns. Column K references the tool
part, is combat essential to the tactical use of
and test equipment requirements (T and TE)
the end item. The letter E: in this column in-
section III of the MAC. Column L references
dicates the items are combat essential.
the remarks section IV of the MAC.
d. Maintenance Operations and Maintenance
Levels. This column contains the various main-
4. Explanation of Columns
tenance operations "A" thorugh "J", service,
(See III)
adjust, etc.
a. Reference Code. This column consists of
A symbol indicating the maintenance level
two letters separated by a dash. The first letter
placed in the appropriate column in line with
references column L, the second letter refer-
an indicated maintenance operation authorises
ences a maintenance operation, column A
that level to perform the function. The symbol
through J on the MAC section II.
indicates the lowest level of maintenance re-
sponsible for performing the function, but does
b. Remark This column lists the remarks
not necessarily indicate repair parts stockage
and other information pertinent to the opera-
at that level. Higher levels of maintenance are
tion being performed as indicated on the MAC,
authorized to perform the indicated functions
section II.
AGO 8166A