1. Fire Protection
TB 5-4200-200-10 Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers Approved for Army Users.
Repair and Utilities: Fire Protection Equipment and Appliances: Inspections,
TM 5-687
Operations, and Preventive Maintenance.
Petroleum, Petroleum-Base Products and Related Material.
LO 5-2805-208-14 Engine, Gasoline, Military Standard Models (Model lA08-III) l HP, FSN
2805-068-7510, (Mode 12A016-III) 3 HP, FSN 2805-0724871.
LO 5-4310-256-15 Compressor, Reciprocating: Air, Hand Truck Mounted, Gasoline Engine: 8
175 psi (Champion Pneumatic Model LP832-ENG-2) and Compressor, Re-
ciprocating: Air; 5 CFM: 175 psi (Champion Pneumatic Model LP512-E
3. Preventive Maintenance
TM 38-750
Army Equipment Record Procedures.
4. Publication Indexes
DA Pam 310-4
Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Manuals (Types 7, 8
and 9) Supply Bulletins, Lubrication Orders, and Modification Work Orders.
5. Radio interference Suppression
TM 11-483
6. Technical Manuals
TM 5-2805-208-14 Operator, Organizational, Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual
(Including Repair Parts and Special Tool Lists): Engine, Gasoline, Military
Standard Models (Model 1A08-III) 1 HP, FSN 2805-068-7510 and (Model
2A016-III) 3 HP, FSN 2805472-4871.