Section I. GENERAL
quantity; numbers preceding nomenclature
callouts indicated preferred sequence,
a. These instruction are published for use
d. Direct reporting of errors, omissions and
sued. Chapters 1 through 3 provide informa-
recommendations for improving this equip-
tion on operation, preventive maintenance serv-
ment manual by the individual user is author-
ices, and organizational maintenance of equip-
ized and encouraged. Prepare DA Form 2028
ment, accessories, components, and attach.
(Recommended Changes to DA Publications)
ments. Chapter 4 provides information for di-
for this purpose, using pencil, pen or typewrit-
rect and general support and depot mainte-
er, and forward direct to Commanding Gener-
nance. Also included are descriptions of main
al, U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Command,
units and their functions in relationship to oth-
ATTN: AMSME-MP 4300 Goodfellow Blvd.,
er components.
St. Louis, Missouri 63120.
b. Appendix A
contains a
list of
1-2. Record and Report Forms
applicable to this manual. Appendix B con-
tains the list of basic issue items authorized,
a. DA Form 2258 (Depreservation Guide for
the operator of this equipment and the list of
Vehicles and Equipment).
maintenance and operating supplies required
b. For other record and report forms appli-
cable to operator, crew, and organizational
maintenance allocation chart. Organizational,
maintenance, refer to TM 38-750.
direct and general support and depot mainte-
Note. Applicable forms, excluding Standard Form
nance repair parts and special tools are listed
46, (United States Government Motor Vehicles Oper-
in TM 5-4310-270-25P.
ators Identification Card) which is carried by the
c. Numbers in parentheses following nom-
operator, shall be kept in a canvas bag mounted on
enclature callouts on illustrations indicate
cubic feet of air per minute for inflating pon-
a. General. The Fuller Model 2MSWB Ro-
tary Compressor (fig. 1-1 ) is directly driven
b. Engine. A description of the Military
by a Military Standard Engine and is mounted
Standard Engine Model 2A016-III (fig. 1-1)
on a wheelbarrow-type frame for convenient
is contained in TM 5-2805-208-14.