verting the equipment quantity to a decimal fac-
5. How to
Locate Repair Parts
tor by placing a decimal point before the next to
a. When Federal Stock Number or reference
last digit of the number to indicate hundredths,
number is unknown:
and multiplying the decimal factor by the parts
(1) First. Using the table of contents, deter-
quantity authorized in the 51100 allowance col-
mine the functional group or subgroup within
umn. Example, authorized allowance for 51100
which the repair part belongs. This will refer to
equipments is 40; for 150 equipments multiply 40
a page in the parts listing.
by 1.50 or 60 parts required.
(2) Second. The illustration column of the
i. One-Year Allowances Per 100 Equipments
page refers to a figure to number.
Contingency Planning Purposes. Indicates oppo-
(3) Third. Locate the figure and identify the
site the first appearance of each item the total
repair parts, noting the item number.
quantity required for distribution and contin-
(4) Fourth. Refer back to the page of the
gency planning purposes. The range of items in-
parts listing. Find the item number in the illus-
dicates total quantities of all authorized items re-
tration column that corresponds with the figure
quired to provide for adequate support of 100
equipments for one year.
b. When Federal Stock number or reference
j. Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 1 0 0
number is known:
Equipments. Indicates opposite the first appear-
(1) First. Using the index of Federal stock
ance of each item the total quantity authorized
numbers and reference numbers, find the perti-
for depot maintenance of 100 equipments. Subse-
nent Federal stock number or reference number.
quent appearances of the same item will have no
This index is in ascending alphanumeric sequence
entry in this column, but will have in the descrip-
cross-referenced to an index number.
tion column a reference to the first appearance of
(2) Second. Using the repair part listing,
the item. Items authorized for use but not for ini-
find the index number referenced in the index of
tial stockage are identified with an asterisk in the
Federal stock numbers and reference numbers.
allowance column.
k. Illustration.
(1) Figure Number. Indicates the figure
number of the illustration in which the item is
in------------------------------------------------------inch (es)
mtg ---------------------------------------------- amounting
number (s)
(2) Item Number. Indicates the callout num-
thd ----------------------------------------------------thread (cd) (s)
ber used to reference the item in the illustration.
7. Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturers
a. For repair parts applicable to Gasoline En-
01292 -- -Allen, W. D. Mfg. Co.
gine, Model 2A016111, not covered herein, see
01344 -- -Eon Corp.
TM 5-2805-20814.
22313 --- Universal Silencer Corp.
30327 --- Imperial Brass Mfg. Co.
b. Repair parts mortality has been based on
34256 --- Korfund Dynamics Corp.
1200 hours of operation per year.
34494 --- Kunkle Valve Co.
c. Parts which require manufacture or assem-
36540---Lisle Corp.
bly at a category higher than that authorized for
43334 --- New Departure Division of General Motors Corp.
installation will indicate in the source column the
53477--- Schraders, A and Son Division of Scovill Mfg. Co.
higher category.
58626 --- Fuller Co.
71176 --- Brewing Mfg. Co., Inc.
d. The following publications pertain to the
72661 --- Dixon Valve and Coupling Co.
78252 -- -Stolper Steel Products Corp.
81348---Federal Specifications
TM 5-2805-208-14 Organizational, DS and
89341 --- General Tire and Rubber Co.
GS Maintenance
96906 -- Military Standards
Manual (including
97403 --- Engineer Research and Development Laboratory
repair parts and
special tool lists)
8. Recommendations for Maintenance
TM 5-4310-270-15 Operator and Organiza-
Manual Improvements
tional, Direct and
Report of errors, omissions, and recommenda-
General Support and
tions for improving this publication by the indi-
Depot Maintenance
vidual user is encouraged. Reports should be sub-