d. Reassembly. Assemble the motor starter by
(2) Loosen screw and remove heater element
(5) from the open starter (4).
reversing the procedures in Steps (1) through (4) of b.
above. Be sure all electrical connection are tightened
(3) Remove mounting screw (3), then lift the
firmly and securely.
open starter (4) from the enclosure(2).
e. Installation.
Refer to
figure 6-2 and reverse the -
(4) Remove locknut from stem of6-selector
removal procedure to install the motor starter.
switch knob, then remove knob from kit en closure
6-4. Pressure Switch
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Use compressed air and remove all dust or
a. Removal.
dirt from motor starter components.
(1) Release pressure from the air receiver.
open starter. Replace a defective open starter or heater
pressure switch from .the air receiver.
action. Replace a defective selector switch.