Section 1.
equipment and repair parts that it will not be
possible to restore the equipment to a usable con-
a. These instructions are published for the use of
dition in the combat zone either by repair or
the personnel to whom the air compressor, "Cham-
pion Pneumatic Model HR5-8M-3 or Model HR5-
(1) Mechanical destruction. Using an axe,
8M-4" is issued They provide information on the
pick, mattock, sledge, or any other heavy im-
operation, organizational, direct support, and gen-
plement, damage all vital elements.
eral support maintenance of the air compressor, as
well as a description of the main units and their
functions in relation to the other components.
(a) One pound charge between the
b. Appendix A contains a list of publications ap-
plicable to this manual. Appendix B contains the
(b) One -pound charge between the
Maintenance Allocation Chart.
motor and the air receiver tank.
b. For additional data on procedures for
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records
destruction of equipment to prevent enemy use,
Maintenance forms and records that you are
refer to TM 750--2443.
required to use with the air compressor are DA
Forms 2400 (Equipment Utilization Record),
1-6. Administrative
2402 (Exchange Tag), 2402 (Equipment Inspec-
a. Storage Site.
tion and Maintenance Worksheet), 2407 (Mainte-
(1) Select the best available site for ad-
nance Request), and DD Form 314 (Preventive
ministrative storage. Separate stored equipment
Maintenance Schedule and Record).
from equipment in use. Conspicuously mark the
area "Administrative Storage".
(2) Covered space is preferred. When suf-
You can help improve this manual by calling
ficient covered space for all items to be stored is
attention to errors and by recommending im-
not available, priority should be given to items
provements. Your letter, DA Form 2028 (Recom-
mended Changes to Publications) and/or DA
(3) Open sites should be improved hard-
Form 2028-2 (Recommended Changes to Equip-
stand, if available. Unimproved sites should be
ment Technical Manuals), may be used. Copies
firm, well-drained, and kept free of excessive
of DA Form 2028-2 are attached in the back of
the manual for your use. Please mail your recom-
b. Storage Plan.
mended changes directly to Commander, U. S.
(1) Store equipment so as to provide maxi-
Army Troop Support Command, ATTN: AMSTS-
mum protection from the elements and to pro-
MPP, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120.
vide access for inspection, maintenance, and
1-4. Equipment
Serviceability Criteria
exercising. Anticipate removal or deployment
problems and take suitable precautions.
This equipment is not covered by an ESC.
(2) Take into account environmental condi-
tions, such as extreme heat or cold; high hu-
1-5. Destruction of Army Material to
midity; blowing sand, dust., or loose debris; soft
Prevent Enemy Use
ground; mud; heavy snows; earthquakes; or
a. Demolition of Air Compressors. Methods
of destruction should achieve such damage to