switch in reverse order of the removal procedure.
5-10. Air Pressure Adjustment
determine adjustment. The pressure switch is
preset by manufacturer at 140 psi CUT-IN, and
175 psi CUT-OUT setting. If adjustment is neces-
sary shut off the outside power source.
b. Remove cover from pressure switch.
c. To raise the CUT-IN and CUT-OUT pressure
turn the pressure adjusting screw clockwise.
d. To decrease the difference between the CUT-
IN and CUT-OUT pressure turn the pressure
d. To decrease the difference between th CUT-
IN and CUT-OUT pressure, turn the differential
When adjusting the differential screw,
do not turn it farther than it will turn
e. To increase the differential and maintain
the same CUT-OUT pressure, turn the differen-
tial screw clockwise and, at the same time, turn
the pressure adjusting screw counterclockwise.
If the differential is increased only by turning
the differential screw clockwise, the CUT-IN
pressure changes only slightly, and the CUT-
OUT pressure rises.
f. Turn on the outside power source to check
the adjustment. To check the CUT-IN pressure,
open the drain cock and allow air pressure to fall
below 140 psi. Close the drain cock, and the
g. Install the cover on the pressure switch.
installation (shown with cover removed).