TM 5-4310-354-14
(c) Fill battery with electrolyte to a
level of approximately 3/8 inch (9.525 mm) above plates.
Specific gravity must be 1.250 or higher when checked
To prevent serious burns when filling
with a hydrometer. (Refer to TM 9-6140-200-15.)
battery, take precautions against
spilling electrolyte on clothing or
(d) For cold weather operation,
allowing it to come in contact with
skin or eyes. Use rubber gloves.
b. Installation
Separatel y
The 6TN and/or the 6TL batteries will
(1) Remove and unpack the muffler and
perform properly in hot weather as
rain cap.
long as electrolyte levels are
carefully monitored. If the electrolyte
(2) Install the muffler in coupling on end
expands and causes the level to rise,
of engine exhaust piping above housing roof.
some fluid must be removed. If the
level becomes too low due to
c. Controls and Instruments.
operating the air compressor unit, you, the operator,
used to obtain the proper level. A
should become familiar with all of the controls and
good grade of drinking water
instruments to ensure proper operation of the
(excluding mineral waters) may be
equipment. A description and function of each of these
used if distilled water is not available.
controls and instruments is outlined in the following
1640) has a specific gravity of 1.280 and should be used
in these batteries. Do NOT adjust the electrolyte in wet
(1) Instrument
batteries to a lower specific gravity.
instruments (figure 2-3).
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