TM 5-4310-367-14
b. Interval Columns. The columns headed B, D, A,
2-2. GENERAL. To ensure that the compressor is ready
W and M, will contain a dot (.) opposite the ap-
for operation at all times, it must be inspected systemati-
propriate check indicating it is to be performed
cally so that the defects may be discovered and corrected
Before, During, After, Weekly, or Monthly.
before they result in serious damage or failure. Defects
discovered during operation of the unit shall be noted for
c. Item to be Inspected Column. The items listed in
future corrections, to be made as soon as an operation has
this column are divided into groups and identifies
ceased. Stop operation which would damage the equip-
the items to be inspected.
ment if operation were to continue. All deficiencies and
shortcomings shall be recorded together with the corrective
d. Procedures Column. This column contains a brief
action taken on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and
description of the procedure by which the check is
Maintenance Worksheet, at the earliest opportunity. When
to be performed.
performing your Before Operation (B) and During Opera-
tion (D) PMCS, always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and
e. For Readiness Reporting, Equipment is Not
WARNINGS. After operation, be sure to perform your
Ready/Available If: Column. This column will
(A) PMCS. If your equipment fails to operate, trouble-
contain the criteria which will cause the equip-
shoot with proper equipment. Report any deficiencies
ment to be classified as not Ready/Available be-
using the proper forms, see TM 38-750.
cause of inability to perform its primary mission.
CHECKS AND SERVICES. Refer to table 2-1 for Preven-
tive Maintenance Checks and Services.
If the equipment must be kept in continuous op-
a. Item Number Column. Checks and services are
eration, check and service only those items that
numbered in chronological order regardless of
can be checked and serviced without disturbing
interval. This column will be used as a source of
operation. Make the complete checks and services
item numbers for the "TM Item Number" column
when the equipment can be shut down.
on DA Form 2404 in recording results of PMCS.