TM 5-4310-367-14
4-10. INTRODUCTION. The troubleshooting procedures
fittings to get a good seal, Do not use sealing tape
are to be performed by organizational personnel.
on hose fittings which are self-sealing.
4-11. GENERAL. To aid in troubleshooting, the following
f. The handtruck IS a welded assembly which sup-
general information is listed:
that can go wrong with the handtruck is for the
a. Dirt and water are the major enemies of the fuel
frame to crack. If Ibis happens you will be able to
system. If you regularly clean the strainer at the
see it and no troubleshooting will be required.
outlet of the fuel line you can stop the dirt and
water from getting into the carburetor where they
g. Very little goes wrong with the wheel assemblies
can do some real harm.
since they are not used very often. The main
problem with the wheels will be all leaks. If a
b. The compressor drive is a fairly simple system.
tire loses air, find the air leak by using a soap
The main problems are improper belt tension, bad
alinement and loose parts.
c. The intake and exhaust valves are the most critical
ciency can most often be traced back to the valves.
However, problems with getting enough air aren't
Malfunction. Malfunctions listed are the ones
always caused by the compressor. Leaky fittings
most likely to happen. Not all possible malfunc-
or an improperly adjusted pressure switch may
tions can be forseen and listed.
also beat fault.
Test or Inspection. Tests or inspections are listed
d. The engine provides the power to run the compres-
to help you find the cause of the malfunction,
sor. Bad engine performance will result in reduced
The tests are grouped by what system they belong
air output. Troubleshooting for internal engine
to. (The fuel system tests are with the fuel sys-
problems is covered in TM 5-2805-257-14
tern.) Within each qroup the tests are arranged so
(model 2A016-3 and TM 5-2805-256-14
that the easier tests come before the harder tests
(model 1A08-3).
Corrective Action. Corrective actions are listed to
e. The main problem with the air receiver and dis-
help you eliminate the malfunction. Where the
charge system is air leakage. You can find leaks by
corrective action is too complicated to be listed in
putting soap solution in the area of the suspected
full detail, the paragraph number of the detailed
leak. If the leak can't be removed by tightening
procedure is given in parentheses.
fittings, replace the part. Use sealing tape on pipe
Table 4-2. Troubleshooting
Test or Inspection
Corrective Action
Step 1. Check for empty fuel tank.
Add fuel.
Step 2. Check if shutoff valve on the fuel strainer is closed.
Open shutoff valve.
Step 3. Check if fuel line is clogged with dirt
Clean out fuel line.
Step 4. Refer to engine TM 5-2805-257-14 (model 2A016-3) or engine TM 5-2805-256-14 (model 1A08-3).