TM 5-4310-377-13
c. Inspection.
(1) Inspect for missing or damaged hardware.
(2) Inspect cylinders for damage and wear.
(3) Inspect piston and connecting rod assembly for damage and wear.
(4) Inspect crankshaft for damage and wear.
(6) Inspect front bearing cover for damage.
(7) Inspect rear bearing cover for damage.
(8) Inspect both bearings for damage and wear.
d. Repair.
(1) Repair of the air compressor (except for the piston and connecting rod assemblies) is limited to the
replacement of defective parts.
(2) Repair the piston and connecting rod assemblies is as follows (Refer to Figure 4-2):
(a) Carefully remove both compression rings (1) and the oil ring (2). Discard the rings.
(b) Remove both snap rings (3) and using an arbor press, press out the piston pin (4).
(c) Separate the piston (5) from the connecting rod (6).
Figure 4-2. Piston and Connecting Rod, Repair.