TM 5-4310-378-14
C A R B O N MONOXIDE -A poisonous gas that is made whiles fuel is burning, especially if there
i s not quite enough air. T h e gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, but it can cause illness o r
d e a t h . See warning on the Warning page at front of manual.
C O N D E N S A T I O N - A liquid formed from a vapor. M o i s t u r e carried in warm air will condense
w h e n it reaches a cold area, such as the surface of a fuel tank in sub-zero weather.
C O N T A M I N A T E D - Made impure by contact or mixture. Exhaust fumes contain a poisonous gas
w h i c h will contaminate the air in the nearby area.
C O R R O S I O N - A gradual wearing away caused by chemical action. Metals exposed to salt
w a t e r are likely to corrode.
D E T E R I O R A T E - A worsening of condition usually as a result or age or hostile environment, as
o p p o s e d to mechanical damage.
D I A P H R A G M - An elastic material used as a boundary to seal a n d separate two areas. A pump
d i a p h r a g m allows the volume of the pump bowl to be varied t h u s producing the pumping
D R A W BAR - A single piece handle used for lifting heavy objects.
D R Y ROT - Rotting due to lack or air circulating around area.
EXPENDABLE - An item that is not repairable and is discarded if damaged.
E X P O S U R E - Being in the presence of something, or in contact with something. Skin is exposed
t o cleaning solvent when the solvent c o n t a c t s the skin during cleaning operations.
F I L T E R - A device which removes dirt from air or a fluid.
F L A S H POINT - The lowest temperature at which the vapors of a solvent will ignite and burn.
F L A P P E R - A restriction in a line which limits the flow of fluid, or gases, to a single
d i r e c t i o n . Flappers used in conjunction with a diaphragm pump and power source enable the
p u m p to push/pull fluid in desired direction.
G A L L I N G - A condition in which transfer of metal occurs between two parts made of like
m a t e r i a l (usually steel), usually occurring when mated parts have limited relative motion
u n d e r high loads.