TM 5-4310-379-14AMPampereASMEAmerican Society of Mechanical EngineersBTUBritish Thermal UnitDCdirect currentGPHgallons per hourFSWfeet of sea waterNEDUNavy Experimental Diving UnitNMnewtons per square meterPSIpounds per square inchRPMrevolutions per minuteSCFMstandard cubic feet per minuteTSPtrisodium phosphateVvoltSection II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATAParagraphPage1-7Equipment Characteristics, Capabilities and Features...................................................1-21-8Location and Description of Major Components ............................................................1-21-9Equipment Data ...........................................................................................................1-41-10Safety, Care and Handling ...........................................................................................1-51-7.Equipment Characteristics Capabilities, and Features. The Diving Air Compressor is a diesel engine drivencompressor capable of providing compressed air to 200 psi and flow rates to 88.5 SCFM. The diesel engine andaccessories, air compressor, and two air receivers are all mounted on a single frame assembly which allows for rapiddeployment. A control panel, mounted to the frame, allows the operator to monitor the diesel engine and air compressorduring operations.1-8.Location and Description of Major Components.DIESEL ENGINE (1). Two cylinder two cycle diesel engine capable of producing 56 Hp at 2000 RPM.AIR COMPRESSOR (2). Two-stage reciprocating air compressor capable of producing 250 psi and a flow rate of88.5 SCFM at 200 psi, at engine speed of 1800 rpm.AIR RECEIVER (3). 30 gallon air tank mounted to frame assembly.PORTABLE AIR RECEIVER (4). 60 gallon air tank mounted on skid which is removable from frame assembly.PNEUMOFATHOMETER (5). Indicates water depths from 0-250 FSW (0-76 m).CONTROL PANEL (6). Contains controls and indicators needed to start, monitor, and terminate engine andcompressor operations.BATTERIES (7). Two 12-volt (V) batteries wired in parallel supply power for starting the diesel engine.FUEL TANK (8). A 30 gallon fuel tank supplies fuel for diesel engine.PORTABLE AIR FILTRATION SYSTEM (9). Provides filtered air to the divers through a 3-stage filter assembly.1-2
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