TM 5-4310-379-14u.Remove and clean the batteries and battery cables with a baking soda solution and rinse them with clean water.WARNINGLead acid batteries contain a strong acid. This acid can cause severe skin burns. Handle battery only withproper lifting strap. Wear protective clothing and eye protection.v.Add distilled water to the electrolyte, if necessary, and fully change the battery. Store the batteries in a cool(never below 32F or 0°C) dry place. Keep the batteries fully charged and check the level and the specific gravity of theelectrolyte regularly.w.Insert heavy paper strips between the pulleys and belts to prevent sticking.x.Seal all of the openings in the engine and compressor.y.Valves on receiver tank shall be shut and plugged and covered with clear heavy plastic bags and sealed withtape.z.The gages and relief valves on the portable receiver tank shall be shut and plugged and covered with clearheavy plastic bags and sealed with tape.aa.Service the portable filtration system filters.ab.The valves on filtration system shall be shut and plugged and sealed with clear heavy plastic bags and sealedwith tape,ac.The gages and filter housings on filtration system shall be sealed with clear heavy plastic bags and sealed withtape.WARNINGWear faceshield and clear immediate area of personnel when using low pressure air for the entire exterior of the engine (except the electrical system) with fuel oil and dry with compressed the compressor and the rest of the compressor unit with nonionic detergent and rinse with clean rust should be removed and painted with non toxic paint in accordance with accepted Army diving the surfaces with a suitable liquid automobile body wax, or a rust preventive compound.ah.Cover the unit with a weather-resistant tarpaulin or other cover if it must be stored the unit in a clean, dry, environmentally controlled area, if available.3-180
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