TM 5-4310-379-14(13)Inspect insert (19) and replace if worn or scored excessively.(14)Inspect shaft (9) and replace if scored, worn, or otherwise damaged.(15)Install two halves of bearing shoulder ring (16) and install retainer (15).(16)Lubricate inside diameter of bearing (11) and install bearing (11) on shaft (9) from threaded end.(17)Piece a 13/16 in. diameter sleeve, approximately 3 in. long, on top of bearing (11) inner race, and pressbearing (11) onto shaft (9) until bearing (11) is seated on retainer (15).(18)Install sleeve (14) on shaft (9).(19)Lubricate inside diameter of bearing (10).(20)Install bearing (10), numbered side up, straight onto threaded end of shaft (9).(21)Place a 13/16 in. diameter sleeve against inner race of bearing (11) and press bearing onto shaft (9) untilseated against sleeve (14).(22)Pack the area between bearings (10) and (11) with grease.(23)Position shaft (9) in body (12) with threaded end up.(24)Press shaft (9) with bearings (10) and (11) into body until bearing (11) is fully seated in body.(25) Install seal assembly (18) in impeller (13), and secure with ring (17).(26)Lubricate inside diameter of impeller (13).(27)Press impeller (13), seal side down, straight onto shaft (9), until impeller (13) is flush with end of shaft (9).NOTEA support must be placed under the impeller end of shaft so that the pump body willclear the bed of press when installing pulley hub.(28)Install key (3) in shaft (9).(29)Lubricate inside diameter of hub (2) and install on shaft (9). Press hub (2) onto shaft (9) until seatedagainst bearing (10) inner race.(30)Install nut (1) and torque to 55-65 Ib-ft (75-88 Nm).(31) Install cover (7) and gasket (8) and secure with six screws (5) and washers (6). Torque screws to 7-9Ib-ft(10-12 Nm).FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCEInstall water pump (para. 3-23).5-13
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