TM 5-4310-384-13
Unlock and turn the adjusting knob (3) clockwise until the desired secondary pressure is reached. Lock
adjusting knob (3). A pressure gage (7) is located on the side of the regulator (5) for reading pressure.
Turn the ON/OFF switch on the starter box OFF at the end of the work shift.
Open drain cock (8) to drain tank.
Position of Slings for Movement
Make certain any lifting device used has a capacity equal to the weight being lifted.
Failure to observe this precaution could result in injury or death to personnel and
damage to equipment.
2-9. PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. The air compressor may be moved for short distances on its casters. Also
slings may be used to transport a compressor a short distance using a suitable hoist or overhead lifting device. Place
slings under casters front to back on both sides and center lift hook above unit.