TM 5-4310-387-14CAUTIONIsopropyl alcohol shall be maintained in a covered container to preclude excessconcentrations in the air for fire protection. The cover should be removed onlyfor placement or removal of soft goods.NOTETable 4-5 lists all compatible cleaning agents for general soft goods used in theArmy diving systems. Only the isopropyl alcohol procedure is listed below.a. Soak component soft goods or aluminum parts in a tray of isopropyl alcohol for 10 minutes maximum.b. Wipe each piece of soft good individually with wipes soaked in isopropyl alcohol. Do this until all dirt and foreignmatter is visually removed.c. Rinse soft goods with fresh isopropyl alcohol.d. Blow dry with air, nitrogen, or helium.Table 4-5. Cleaning Agents Comparable with Soft Goods.Freon PCATSPNIDIASoft GoodsMIL-C-81302BO-S-642MIL-D-16791TI-1-735AAdiprene CXXAdiprene LXXBuna NXXXXBuna SXXXXButylXXDelrinXXXEpoxy ResinXXKel-fXXXXHypalon 40XXKralarticXXLexanXXLuciteXXNeoprene WXXNylonXXPolyethylene 7050XXXX4-84
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