TM 5-4310-393-14
4-32.2. Cleaning Hose Assemblies
Clean hose assemblies in accordance with the following steps, using the specific materials and utilizing
proper equipment. Pre-clean hose assemblies outside the clean area by rinsing externally with distilled water.
Most hose assemblies will not lend themselves to disassembly. Disassemble to the maximum extent
without removing fitting or clamps.
The cleaning solution shall be made by adding 1/2 ounce (14.7 ml) non-ionic detergent to 80 gallons
(302.81) of distilled water.
Heat the cleaning solution to 120 degrees F (49 degrees C) and circulate through the hose assembly for
thirty minutes at a flow rate of not less than 1 gallon (3 81) per minute.
Rinse the hose assembly with distilled water heated to 125 degrees F (52 degrees C) for 30 minutes
minimum at a flow rate of not less than 1 gallon (3.81) per minute. Do not recirculate the water.
Perform a shake test by collecting a 1000 ml sample of the rinse water in a flask that can be fitted with a
rubber stopper. Shake the flask for a few seconds and If any bubbles form and remain on the surface of the water In the
flask, continue to rinse hose until further shake tests have no bubbles forming and remaining on the surface of the water.
Purge hose assembly with clean, dry, oil-free nitrogen (preferably heated to 200 degrees F (93 degrees C)
until all visible signs of water are absent. Continue drying process for 1 to 2 hours after initial purge.
After drying, cover each hose end with a clean plastic bag to maintain internal cleanliness. Secure the bag
with tape.
When components and systems have been reassembled an air sample shall be taken to verify cleanliness.
Hydrocarbon Inspection and Analysis
Visual Method Visibly clean is defined as the absence of all particulate and nonparticulate matter visible to
the normal, unaided (except for corrected vision) eye. Particulate is defined as matter of miniature size with observable
length, width and thickness. Non-particulate is film matter without definite dimension. Visual inspection may be
performed by:
A clean cloth placed over the discharge end may collect particulates when air or nitrogen blown through
the system.
A component has been in service and has visible signs of grease , dirt, etc.
A surface wipe with a clean filter paper results in the absorption of oil or grease.
Hydrocarbons exhibit fluorescence when exposed to ultra-violet light therefore passing an ultra-violet light
over a components surface or the agitated cleaning solution may detect the presence of any remaining hydrocarbons.
Documentation and Record Keeping.
A diving system must retain records and documents to substantiate safety standards. A sequential record of components
cleaned and tested under this procedure should be maintained by the unit doing the cleaning.