TM 5-4310-393-14Section III. UNIT LEVEL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESParagraphPage4-5General4-24-6Service Interval4-24-7Reporting Repairs4-24-8General PMCS Procedures4-24-9Specific PMCS Procedures4-34-5.GENERAL.To ensure that the CAPITANO-PD Reciprocating Compressor Unit is ready for operation at all times, It must be inspectedon a regular basis so that defects may be found before they result in serious damage, equipment failure, or injury topersonnel. This section contains systematic Instructions on inspections, adjustments, and corrections to be performed byunit maintenance.4-6.SERVICE INTERVALS.a.perform PMCS, found in Table 4-1, at the following intervals:(1) Perform Monthly (M) PMCS once every month.(2) Perform Biannually (B) PMCS twice each year.(3) Perform Annual (A) PMCS once each year.4-7.REPORTING REPAIRS.Report all defects and corrective actions on DA Form 2404. If a serious problem is found, report It to your supervisorimmediately.4-8.GENERAL PMCS PROCEDURES.WARNINGDRY CLEANING SOLVENT P-D-680 IS TOXIC AND FLAMMABLE. ALWAYS WEARPROTECTIVE GOGGLES AND GLOVES, AND USE ONLY IN A WELL-VENTILATEDAREA. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN, EYES AND CLOTHES AND DO NOTBREATHE VAPORS. DO NOT USE NEAR OPEN FLAME OR EXCESSIVE HEAT.THE SOLVENT'S FLASH POINT IS 1 00°F-1 30°F (38°C-590C). IF YOU BECOMEDIZZY WHILE USING CLEANING SOLVENT IMMEDIATELY GET FRESH AIR ANDMEDICAL HELP. IF SOLVENT CONTACTS EYES, IMMEDIATELY WASH YOUREYES AND GET MEDICAL AID.DO NOT USE DRY CLEANING SOLVENT P-D-680 ON ANY DIVING LIFE SUPPORTAIR SYSTEM COMPONENTS. ONLY USE THE CLEANING AGENTS SPECIFIED INCHAPTER 4, SECTION VII FOR CLEANING DIVING LIFE SUPPORT AIR SYSTEMCOMPONENTS. USE OF UNAUTHORIZED CLEANING AGENTS COULD RESULT INPERSONNEL INJURY OR DEATH.a.Keep equipment clean. Dirt, oil and debris may cover up a serious problem. Clean as you work and asneeded. Use dry cleaning solvent (Item 22, Appendix E) on all metal surfaces. Use soap and water on rubber, plastic,and painted surfaces.b.While performing PMCS, inspect the following components:(1) Bolts, Nuts, and Screws. Ensure that they are not loose, missing, bent, or broken. Tighten any that areloose.4-2
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