(39) and hose (38).
capscrews (37), washers (36), washers (34) and hex
nuts (35).
(3) Remove the friction clutch (para 4-37).
(4) Disconnect the two exhaust pipes at the
(2) Refer to figure 4-6 and install the oil pressure
(5) Disconnect throttle control and fuel line at
switch. Remove electrical lead identification tags in-
the carburetor.
stalled during removal.
(6) Disconnect the starter cable (fig. 4-5) at the
(3) Connect the starter cable (fig. 4-5) to the
starter and ground cable at back of engine.
starter and install ground cable at rear of engine.
(7) Refer to figure 4-6 and remove the oil pres-
(4) Connect the throttle control and fuel line to
sure switch, oil temperature switch and oil pressure
the carburetor.
(5) Install the two exhaust pipes on engine mani-
(8) Remove four nuts (35, fig. 4-28), washers (34),
bolts (37) and washers (36). Attach a suitable hoist
(6) Install the friction clutch (para 4-37).
and remove the engine assembly (32) and mounting
(7) Install hose (38) on drain cock (40) and secure
plates (33).
with clamps (49).
b. Installation.
(8) Service the engine, TM 5-2805-203-14.
(1) Position engine mounting plates (33, fig. 2-28)
(9) Install the lubrication unit enclosure assem-
on lubricator frame. Use a suitable lifting device and
bly (para 4-2).
install the engine assembly, and secure with four
4-39. General
air pressure tank, brake air chamber, master cylin-
der, wheel cylinders, hydraulic lines and fittings
a. Wheels. Each wheel is supported by two tapered
and the necessary air lines and fittings. Each wheel
roller bearings. A seal and hub cap protect the wheel
brake shoe is anchored to the back plate, on which it
bearings from dirt and foreign matter and retain the
is allowed to expand and contact the brake drum
bearing lubricant.
without binding. Hydraulic wheel cylinders mounted
b. Brakes.
at top and bottom actuate the brake shoes during
(1) The service brakes are the "air over hydrau-
lic" type. Air pressure is used to operate the hydrau-
lic braking mechanism, applying the brakes with
4-40. Wheel and Tire
pressure in ratio to foot pressure applied to brake
a. Removal. Remove the wheel and tire as illus-
pedal of the towing vehicle.
trated in figure 4-29.
(2) The trailer service brakes consist of inter-
vehicular air hoses, air filters, relay emergency valve,