Vehicles and Equipment) which will be found
2-1. Unloading the Equipment
near the operator's controls.
a. General. The operator of the lubricating
and servicing unit may assist in unloading
2-3. Inspection and Servicing Equipment
the equipment from the common carrier or
a. Perform the daily preventive maintenance
flatcar. The operator will help remove the
tiedown cables and blocking which secure the
equipment. Before towing, make certain to
b. Make a complete visual inspection of the
aline and secure the towing vehicle to the
lubricating and servicing unit for loss, damage
lubricating unit, and install the trailer light
coupling and trailer brake connector to the
c. Inspect for dented or punctured enclosure
towing vehicle.
and doors.
b. Shipment by Tractor. When lubricating
d. Inspect all components for proper mount-
unit is received by trailer, tow it to its destina-
e. Make sure all equipment shipped with the
c. Shipment by Rail.
unit is undamaged and in serviceable condition.
(1) Blocking and Tiedown. Remove all
blocking and tiedown devices securing unit to
f. Remove caps from cells of the battery
and fill with electrolyte to a level of one-fourth
inch below the filler holes. Refer to TM 9-
(2) Ramp unloading. If unit is to be towed
6140-200-15 for complete servicing of wet bat-
from the carrier bed, construct a ramp at the
Warning: When servicing battery, do
wheels of flatcar to keep it stationary.
not smoke or use an open flame in the vicinity.
Note. Teat brakes before approaching the ramp.
Batteries generate hydrogen, a highly explo-
(3) Lifting the equipment. Attach a
sive gas.
suitable lifting device of adequate lifting capac-
g. Lubricate the unit in accordance with
ity 3 tons or more) to the unit as shown on
LO 5-4930-217-12.
Warning: Do not allow the lubrication
h. Cold weather servicing for the air cooled
engine is not required.
unit to swing back and forth when it is sus-
pended in the air. Failure to observe this warn-
2-4. Installation of Separately Packed Com-
ing can result in damage to the equipment and
severe injury or death to personnel.
The batteries for the unit may be shipped dry-
2-2. Unpacking the Equipment
charged. The electrolyte for filling the battery
Prior to inspection and operation, depreserve
cells is shipped in separate containers. Fill the
the lubricating and servicing unit as outlined
batteries with electrolyte until the level is one-
on DA form 2268 (Depreservation Guide for
fourth inch below the filler holes. When the