around the center of the shutterstat. Turn the adjusting wheel to the left to increase the spring tension for higher
temperature setting or turn the adjusting wheel to the right for lower temperature setting. After adjusting the shutterstat,
install the jacket, lockwasher, and screw.
190. Shutterstat Disassembly
b. Remove the jacket (17) by removing the screw and lockwasher (12). In removing the jacket, the seal rings (18)
may bind if dry. Two or three drops of shutter fluid at the top of the jacket will free the seal rings.
c. Place the shutterstat in a vise using two - x -inch spacers in the slotted slides to protect the shutterstat.
Remove the two locking set screws (13). Remove the base assembly (14). Be careful of the base assembly as the
bellows are easily dam. aged by rough handling.
d. Take the shutterstat from the vise and remove the adjusting spring (15) and the push pin (8). The adjusting wheel
(16) should be left in the same position as it may not be necessary to readjust.
e. Place the shutterstat, with the spacers, in the vise with the end cap up. Remove the end cap (1), screen (4), felt
(3), and gasket (2). Remove the needle seat cap (5) and the spacer gasket (6). Remove the needle (7). Remove the two
screens (11) and felt (10) from the outlet opening on the side of the shutterstat body (9).
191. Shutterstat Inspection
Carefully clean and inspect all parts. If necessary, replace any worn parts. Replace all the gaskets. Wash all parts in
shutter fluid or other noncorrosive solvent. Blow all parts and openings with clean, dry, compressed air.
a. Seating a Replacement Needle. To prepare the valve bushing, inside the shutterstat body, it will be necessary to
resurface the valve bushing and the needle seat cap. Use the shutterstat reseating tool B-2441 (par. 179). Secure the
body in a drill press, and with the reseating tool, clean the bushing surface. Do not remove more than 1/32 inch of stock,
or the shutterstat body must be replaced. Remove an equal amount of stock from the end of the push pin. Remove any
burrs with a tapered 1/4-inch wood dowel. Do this by hand to avoid too much pressure. Place the needle in the bushing
and apply a drop of light oil. Screw a new seat cap into the bushing without the spacer gasket. Tighten the seat cap with a
socket wrench, slowly working the seat surface