Section I. GENERAL
(2) DA Form 2407 (Maintenance Request).
1. Scope
(3) DA Form 2408-11 (Accumulative Repair Cost
This manual is published for the information and
guidance of personnel responsible for maintenance,
(4) DA Form 2409 (Equipment Maintenance Log
repair and overhaul of the AN-M4 31.,) CFM
flamethrower power-driven reciprocating compressor.
b. DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to
The publication contains information of maintenance
Technical Manuals, Parts Lists, or Supply Manuals).
authorized to be performed by field and depot
Use this form to forward comments on errors or
maintenance personnel. It is intended to be used with
omissions in this manual to Commanding General, U.S.
TM 3-1040-210-12. TM 5-2805-206-14 contains
Army Edgewood Arsenal, ATTN: SMUEA-ELS-EM-P,
maintenance information on the gasoline engine.
Edgewood , Md.
Note. These instructions apply only to AN-M4
c. DD Form 6 (Report of Damaged or Improper
compressors manufactured by Walter Kidde and Co.,
Shipment). Use this form to report damages sustained
Inc., under Contract DA 30-070-CML-1662.
in shipment or caused by improper shipment.
2. Appendix
Allocation of Maintenance
The appendix contains a list of current references.
Refer to the maintenance allocation chart in TM 3-
1040-210-12 for maintenance authorized at each
Record and Report Forms
echelon of maintenance. Be sure that a part is in stock
a. Maintenance Forms. The forms listed below
before attempting to replace it.
will be used to report and record maintenance actions in
compliance with TM 38-750.
(1) DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and
Maintenance Worksheet).
group (fig. 1). A complete description.of each group is
5. Description
contained in the section in this manual covering the
The AN-M4 compressor assembly delivers 31/2 CFM of
maintenance for each group.
high pressure air at 2000 psi used to charge pressure
For purposes of orientation, the ends of the air
tanks of portable flame-throwers and riot control agent
compressor assembly will be called "pulley end" or "rear"
dispensers. The unit is completely self-contained and
and the "fan end" or "front." The term "left" or "right' as
consists of a three-stage radial compressor, a gasoline
used will be referenced to the unit as viewed from the
engine, and various accessory components necessary
"fan end' or "front" while looking toward the "pulley end."
for operation, transportation and protection of the unit.
The compressor consists of seven groups: a canvas
Tabulated Data
group, water separator group, fan group, cooler group,
a. General.
compressor group, engine group, and a frame-fuel tank
AGO 5548A