through cylinder mounting hole in the crankcase.
400 pound-inch torque and disk ring
Marks scribed in piston skirts during
retainer with 350 pound-inch torque.
disassembly should be toward fan end of the
(3) Secure connecting link to master rod
with wrist-pin (9) and cotter pin (10).
3-15. Endbell, Master Rod, and Shaft Section
(4) Place gasket (12) flanked by two paper
gaskets (11) on mounting flange of
a. Description. The endbell, master rod, and
third stage cylinder. Slip cylinder into
shaft section consists of the endbell, two seals, two ball
piston and press firmly into crankcase.
bearings, rod, bearing, crankcase, and attaching
Be sure cylinder fins are slanted
toward fan end of shaft.
cylinder with four nuts (7).
b. Maintenance. Overhaul of the endbell,
master rod, and shaft section consists of replacement of
Note. The gaskets used between the
the endbell, oil seals, ball bearing, shaft retainer plate
cylinder-and-piston assembly and the
and pin, master rod, needle bearings, crankcase, and
crankcase serve as shims to obtain
attaching parts.
c. Disassembly.
clearance. The number of gaskets used
will vary with each cylinder.
(1) Unscrew and remove six nuts (1, fig.
3-7) attaching endbell (4) to crankcase
Remove endbell.
indicator to measure and adjust piston-
gasket (5).
head-to-valve-seat clearance.
(2) Remove seals (6 and 16) and pull
required clearance is 0.002 to 0.006
bearing (7).
(3) Carefully pull shaft (8) from connecting
rod (15) and from inside crankcase.
Note. Make sure that piston is at top
(4) Remove connecting rod (15) and
dead center before gauging.
bearings (14).
measure for clearance, measure from
(5) Remove bearing (11), plate (9), and
top of cylinder to top of valve seat,
pin (10) from crankshaft.
read measurement; then measure
from top of cylinder to piston head,
Note. Pin (10) may be seated in the
read measurement.
crankshaft so that it is extremely
between both readings will be the
difficult to remove. If this occurs do
clearance indicated.
not remove pin.
(6) Install valve (6), spring (5), cylinder cap
(4), rupture disk (3), disk ring (2), and
retainer (1) into cylinder well. Tighten