TM 5-4220-227-14ComponentIndexStep(Location)No.ProcedureCheckNote55.SWT-017 (Console)48Turn on, check heater/chiller fan forfunction, ensure canister is unbaggedif chamber is to be used immediately.56.SWT-018 (Console)49Turn on, check CO2 scrubber fan forfunction, ensure canister is unbagged ifchamber is to be used immediately.57.Oxygen Masks (I/L-O/L)50Unbag and check for function58.Primary Medical Kit51Stowed in outer lock59.Secondary Medical Kit52Ready for use, close to the chamber60.Medical Lock Hatch (I/L)53Shut and dog61.I/L Door54Open62.SWT-007 (Console)55Adjust to red mark on analyzer scalethen lock.Install sensor on flowmeter63.FLV-042 (back of chamber)56Open64.FLV-041 (back of chamber)57Open65.Heater/Chiller Unit58Plugged into power - check coolantlevel66.SWT-02259Turn on - record time from hourmeterinto logbook, wait :0167.SWT-02360Turn on - record PSI and temperatureinto logbook68.Medical lock hatch - outside61Shut and dog69.Stopwatches62Wind, start and leave running70.Dive manualNAOn station with all current updates71.Charts, Pencils Repet SheetsNAOn station and serviceable72.Neuro Checklist Chamber LogNAOn station and serviceable73.Drager Test Kit Portable 02NAOn station and serviceableEND OF PROCEDUREFigure 2-10. System Startup Checklist (Sheet 4 of 11 ).2-25
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