TM 5-4310-227-15
Figure 1-1. Air compressor
(model OEG458-ENG-1) left front, three-quarter view.
type supported on 4 steel feet. It/has
a capacity of 10.7 cu ft (cubic feet)
vertical, reciprocating pump that delivers 15
and a maximum working pressure of
cfm at 175 psi to the air receiver tank. All mod-
200 psi.
els operate at 690 rpm.
(2) The air receiver tank, models BMW-
452-ENG and BMW-452-ENG-1, is
d. Air Receiver Tank.
m o u n t e d on the platform a t t h e
(1) The air receiver tank, models OEG-
front of the unit. Each has a capacity
458-ENG-1, OEG-458-ENG-2 and
of 2.673 cubic feet.
O E G - 4 5 8 - E N G - 3 is the horizontal