TM 5-4310-227-15
4 Fuel tank
7 Inflator gage
5 Air receiver tank
8 Hose
3 Engine
6 Draincock
9 Check valve
Figure 1-3. Air compressor
(model OEG-458-ENG-3) left front, three-quarter view.
458-ENG-2, OEG-458-ENG-3, BMW-452-
1-5. Differences in
ENG, and BMW-452-ENG-1. Models OEG-
This manual covers the champion air com-
4 5 8 - E N G - 1 , OEG-458-ENG-2, and OEG-
p r e s s o r s , Models OEG-458-ENG-1, OEG-
4 5 8 - E N G - 3 are receiver mounted. Model