TM 5-4310-227-15
2-35. Operation in
High Altitudes
of exposed surfaces.
elevations up to 5,000 feet above sea level with-
2-34. Operation in
Salt Water Areas
out special service or adjustment.
a. Cleaning. Wash the unit with fresh, clean
water when the unit becomes encrusted, with
may be reduced as much as 20 percent. This is
salt. When salt water comes in contact with
a normal condition which cannot be prevented
bare metal surfaces, a highly corrosive action
but maximum performance can be maintained
takes place.
by taking the following precautions:
b. Lubrication. Clean all lubrication points
(1) Fuel. Fill the tank at the end of each
cate in accordance with the current lubrication
fuel tank.
(2) Carburetor. Since the amount of oxy-
c. Protection. Refer to TM 9-213 and coat
gen available to the carburetor at high
altitudes will be reduced, adjust the
all exposed metal surfaces with a standard is-
c a r b u r e t o r idle adjustment needle-
s u e rustproofing material. Keep the unit
valve to the proper fuel-air mixture.
covered when inoperative.
er, and direct the powder at the base of the
2-36. Fire Extinguisher (Dry Chemical Type)
flame using a side-to-side sweeping motion.
a. Description. The dry chemical type fire
c. Maintenance. Weigh the fire extinguisher
extinguisher is suitable for use on all types
every 6 months and replace the extinguisher
of fire and is effective in areas when ambient
if weight is less than 4 1/2 pounds, or if pres-
temperature is -25F. and above. If winterized,
sure is below 125 pounds. Refer to TB 5-4200-
(pressurized with nitrogen) the fire extinguish-
200-10. The dry chemical fire extinguisher
er may be used in temperatures below -25F.
will be serviced at installation level through
The fire extinguisher is a 2 1/2 pound, stored
Repair and Utilities facilities, with the filling
pressure, lever-operated extinguisher.
agent supplied by local procurement through
b. Operation. Remove the fire extinguish-
Troop Supply Channels.
er from its location, lift the handle, press lev-