This manual covers the Champion air com-
a. General. The Champion air compressors,
pressor, Model OEH34-60-ENG-1, and Model.
Model LP-512-ENG and Model OEH-34-60-
LP-512-ENG. Model OEH34-60-ENG-1 is
ENG-1 are designed to deliver 5 cfm (cubic
equipped with a three-phase, 60-cycle electric
feet per minute) of air compressed to 175 psi
motor. Model LP-512ENG is driven by a
(pounds per square inch) pressure. Model LP-
four-cycle, single-cylinder, air-cooled gasoline
512-ENG is gasoline engine driven and hand
truck mounted. Model OEH-34-60-ENG-1 is
electric motor driven and tank mounted.
b. Engine. The Military Standard engine,
a. General.
Model 1A08-1, is a 4-cycle, single-cylinder, air-
cooled, gasoline engine, developing 1 horse-
power (hp) at 3600 rpm.
c. Electric Motor. The electric motor is a
three-phase, 2-hp, 60-cycle AC, 208/416 V
b. Electric Motor.
c. Compressor.
a. The Corps of Engineers identification
plate, Model OEH-34-60-ENG-1 and Model
LP-512-ENG, specifies the name of the manu-
facturer, make, model number, date of manu-
facture, serial number, and the Federal stock
on the right side of the air receiver tank on
Model OEH-34-60-ENG-1. It is mounted on
the front of the chassis adjacent to the left
d. Compressor Air Cleaner.
wheel on Model LP-512-ENG.
cifies the name of the manufacturer and the
model and serial number of the compressor.
The plate is mounted on the governor housing
of the compressor.
c. The electric motor identification plate spe-
cifies the name of the manufacturer, model num-
ber, and date, and is mounted on the front side
of the motor housing.