Section I.
are listed in TM 5-4310-241-25P. The Re-
pair Parts and Special Tool Lists for the en-
a. These instruction are published for the use
gine are listed in TM 5-2806-206-14P.
c. Report all deficiencies in this manual on
Champion Pneumatic Models LP-512-ENG and
DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to DA
TM Parts Lists or SM 7, 8, or 9). Submit rec-
through 3 provide information on the opera-
ommended for changes, additions, or deletions
tion, daily preventive maintenance services,
to the Commanding Officer, U. S. Army Mobility
and organizational maintenance of the equip-
Support Center, ATTN: SMOMS-MS, P. O.
ment, accessories, components, and attach-
Box 119, Columbus 16, Ohio. Direct communi-
cation is authorized.
field and depot maintenance (3d, 4th, and 5th
d. Report unsatisfactory equipment perform-
echelons). This manual also provides descrip-
ance and suggestions for equipment improve-
tions of the main units and their functions in
ment as specified in AR 750-5.
relationship to other components. Mainten-
ance for the engine is covered in TM 5-2805-
b. Appendix I
contains a
list of references
applicable to this manual. Appendix II con-
E n g i n e e r
tains the Maintenance Allocation Charts. Ap-
b. For record and report forms applicable to
pendix III contains the Basic Issue Items and
operator, organizational, and field and depot
the Maintenance and Operating Supplies re-
maintenance, refer to TM 38-750.
quired for initial operation. The Organiza-
tional, Field, and Depot Maintenance Repair