damage that may have occurred dur-
ing shipment.
a. Remove all tiedowns or blocking that se-
cures the crate to the carrier.
Inspect the V-belt guard (5, fig. 3) for
dents, breaks, and insecure mounting.
b. A
forklift, crane, hoist, or
rollers may be
Inspect the air receiver tank (7) for
dents, breaks, and damage mounting
feet. Inspect the draincock for dam-
8. Unpacking Equipment
age and loose mounting. Inspect the
air receiver tank platform (6) for
a. Remove all banding straps or wires from
bends, dents, and cracked or broken
the packing crate or box.
b. Remove the crate or box from the com-
Inspect the electrical motor (1) for
loose connections, damaged wiring
Caution: Exercise care while uncrating to
cracked housing, and insecure mount-
avoid damaging the compressors.
ing. Inspect the magnetic starter
c. Check the equipment against the packing
(13) for loose connections and mount-
list and report all discrepancies to field main-
ing bolts, damaged wiring, and cor-
roded terminal and contact points.
Inspect the compressor (1, fig. 4) for
9. Depreservation
loose mounting bolts, cracks, breaks,
Prepare the compressors for inspection and
and other defects. Inspect the intake
operation as outlined on DA Form 2258, at-
air cleaner (2, fig. 3) for evidence of
tached on or near the operational controls.
damage, insecure mounting, and
clogged air passages.
10. Installation of
Separately Packed
Inspect the drive belts for incorrect
tension and the flywheel and electric
Both models of the air compressors are de-
motor pulley for incorrect alinement.
livered with an air hose assembly packed separ-
Inspect the pressure gage (11, fig. 3)
ately. Model OEH-34-60-ENG-1 has an in-
for cracked or broken glass and inse-
flation gage and a globe valve. They are in-
cure mounting. Inspect the safety re-
lief valve (8, fig. 4) for loose mounting
ENG does not have a globe valve, and the air
and improper operation.
hose assembly is installed directly in the end
of the air receiver tank.
Inspect the check valve (9) for dam-
11. Inspection of
New Equipment
Turn over the electric motor and com-
a. Model OEH-34-60-ENG1.
pressor several times to be sure that
(1) Perform the inspection procedure as
Check the contents of the crate
against the packing list to make sure
(2) Make a complete visual inspection of
the air compressor for any loss or
that no items are missing.