manent base is to be constructed, refer
12. Servicing New Equipment
a. Model OEH-34-60-ENG-1.
(2) Location. Install the air compressor
(1) Perform the daily and quarterly pre-
as near to the incoming source as pos-
ventive maintenance services (pars.
sible. Avoid muddy, sandy, or dusty
locations as a site for installation, if
(2) Lubricate the air compressor in ac-
possible, as dirt and moisture shorten
cordance with the current lubrication
the life of all moving parts. If it is
necessary to install the unit on soft
(3) See that the electric motor (1, fig. 3)
ground, arrange a foundation of
and the magnetic starter (13) are
planks or logs.
wired correctly for the type of current
provided (par. 13), and that the serv-
be as level as possible when installed.
ice end of the power cable is applicable,
Place blocks, planks, or logs under
b. Model LP-512-ENG.
the unit to level it.
(1) Follow the applicable instructions in
a above.
be grounded prior to operation. The
(2) Remove the fuel tank cap and fill the
ground lead may be connected to an
fuel tank (7, fig. 1) with the proper
underground water system; if the
grade of gasoline. Install the fuel
water system is constructed of metallic
tank cap.
pipe. A ground may be fabricated
Warning: Do not fill the fuel tank
from a metallic pipe. A ground may
while the engine is running. Be sure
be fabricated from a metallic rod
there are no open flames that may ig-
driven not less than four feet into the
nite the fuel vapors while the tank is
ground. The ground lead must be se-
being filled. Always provide a metal-
curely bolted or clamped to the water
to-metal contact between the con-
pipe or ground rod, and the feet or
tainer and tank to prevent a spark
motor platform of the air receiver tank
from being generated as gasoline
of the air compressor.
flows over the metallic surfaces.
(5) Connecting the Incoming P o w e r
(a) Loosen the screw (12, fig. 3) and
a. Magnetic Starter Wiring for 208 volts.
remove the cover from the magnetic
(1) Remove cover on electric starter.
starter (13).
(2) Wiring should be as shown in A, fig-
(b) Remove the knockout plug from the
ure 9.
magnetic starter box and insert the
(3) Install the relay heaters (10 and 16A,
incoming power s o u r c e wires
through the opening.
b. Magnetic Starter Wiring for 416 volts.
Warning: Be sure the incoming
(1) Remove cover on electric starter.
power source lines are connected to
an emergency switch that is locked
(2) Wiring should be as shown in B, fig-
in the OFF position before handling
ure 9.
the wires.
(3) Install the relay heaters (10 and 16,
(c) Insert the bare ends of the incoming
power source wires in L1 terminal
14. Installation or Setting -up Instructions
a. Model OEH-34-60-ENG-1.
(1) General. This compressor is designed
terminal screws.
for field use or for permanent installa-
(d) Position the cover on the magnetic
tion. It requires no special base un-
starter box and tighten the screw.
less permanently installed. If a per-