parts. Wipe off all lubrication points
(2) Keep all fuel tanks and storage con-
after lubricating.
tainers filled with fuel to prevent for-
mation of ice crystals from the freez-
(2) Keep the motor, magnetic starter,
ing of condensate. Such crystals will
compressor, and air receiver tank free
clog fuel lines and carburetor jets.
from accumulations of dirt and sand.
Use filter paper, chamois, or other type
Use compressed air for cleaning or a
strainer when filling the fuel tank or
stiff brush where deposits are oily,
transferring fuel from one container
gummy, or heavy.
to another.
with screens, shelters built from pau-
Warning: Always provide a metal-
lins, or other dustproof material.
lic contact between the fuel container
Keep the unit covered when not in use
and the fuel tank. This will prevent
a spark from being generated as the
gasoline flows over metallic surfaces.
often than when operating under nor-
mal conditions.
32. Operation in Extreme Heat
b. Model LP-512-ENG.
a. Model OEH-84-60-ENG-l.
(1) Perform the applicable instructions in
a above.
(1) Lubricate the compressor in accord-
ance with the current lubrication
(2) Take adequate precautions to prevent
sand and dirt from entering the fuel
tank. Service the fuel strainer as
(2) Keep the electric motor, compressor,
often as necessary to keep the bowl
and air receiver tank clean.
free from dirt and sand. Clean the
(3) Check the drive-belt tension frequent-
engine air cleaner more often than
ly. Improper drive-belt tension often
results in overheating.
(4) Locate the air compressor in an op-
34. Operation in Salt Water or High
erating area that is well ventilated or
Humidity Areas
a. Model
ventilate inclosed areas.
Protect the unit with a shelter of some
b. Model LP-512-ENG.
kind. Keep the sides open for venti-
(1) Perform the applicable instructions in
a above.
Wipe the unit dry at frequent inter-
(2) Fill the fuel tank at the end of each
electric motor and magnetic starter.
days operation, especially in areas
If the unit becomes encrusted with
where the temperature drops sharply
salt, wash it with fresh water, taking
at night. This will prevent condensa-
care not to damage the electrical sys-
tion from forming in the fuel tank.
tem with water,
33. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
Make sure all surfaces requiring lu-
brication are clean and dry before ap-
a. Model
plying lubricant. Lubricate the unit
(1) Lubricate the air compressor in ac-
in accordance with the current lubrica-
cordance with the current lubrication
tion order.
order. Be sure that all lubrication
Coat exposed polished or machined
points are free from dirt and sand be-
metal surfaces with a suitable rust-
fore applying lubricant. Keep all lu-
proof material after first removing
bricant containers clean and tightly
any accumulations of rust.
closed. Do not lubricate excessively as
Open the draincock frequently to blow
dirt and sand will adhere to excess lu-
condensate from the air receiver tank.
bricant and may work into moving