e. Reference Note. This column, subdivided into
standards. Tests will be made commensu-
rate with test procedures and with cali-
columns "K" and "L", is provided for referencing
brated tools and/or test equipment ref-
the "Special Tool and Test Equipment Require-
erenced in the MAC.
ments" (sec. III) and "Remarks" (sec. IV) that
G--REPLACE: Substitute serviceable com-
may be associated with maintenance operations (sec.
ponents, assemblies and subassemblies for
unserviceable counterparts or remove and
install the same item when required for the
3. Explanation of Columns in Section III
p e r f o r m a n c e of other maintenance op-
a. Reference Code. This column consists of a
number and a letter separated by a dash. The num-
H--REPAIR: Restore to a serviceable condi-
ber references the T & TE requirements column on
tion by replacing unserviceable parts or by
the MAC. The letter represents the specific mainte-
any other action required using available
nance operation the item is to be used with. The
t o o l s , equipment and skills-to include
letter is representative of columns "A" through "J"
welding, grinding, riveting, straightening,
on the MAC.
adjusting and facing.
I--OVERHAUL: Restore an item to a com-
b. Maintenance Level. This column shows the
pletely serviceable condition (as prescribed
lowest level of maintenance authorized to use the
by serviceability standards developed and
special tool or test equipment.
published by the commodity commands) by
c. Nomenclature. This column lists the name or
employing techniques of "Inspect and Re-
pair Only as Necessary" (IROAN). Maxi-
identification of the tool or test equipment.
mum use of diagnostic and test equipment
d. Tool Number. This column lists the manufac-
is combined with minimum disassembly
turer's code and part number, or Federal Stock
during overhaul, "Overhaul" may be as-
Number, of tools and test equipment.
signed to any level of maintenance except
organizational, provided the time, tools,
4. Explanation of Columns in
Section IV
equipment, repair parts authorization, and
technical skills are available at that level.
a. Reference Code. This column consists of two
Normally, overhaul as applied to end items,
letters separated by a dash, both of which are ref-
is limited to depot maintenance level.
erences to section II. The first letter references
J--REBUILD: Restore to a condition com-
column L and the second letter references a mainte-
parable to new by disassembling to deter-
nance operation, column "A" through "J",
mine the condition of each component part
b. Remarks. This column lists information perti-
and reassembling using serviceable, rebuilt,
nent to the Maintenance Operation being performed,
or new assemblies, subassemblies, and
as indicated on the MAC, section II.