Section I.
line Engine: 5 cfm: 175 psi (Champion Pneumatic
1. General
Model LP-512-ENG-2) FSN 4310-733-2210.
a. This manual lists repair parts for organiza-
tional, direct and general support, and depot main-
2. Explanation of Repair Parts and Pre-
tenance. It indicates the quantity of repair parts
scribed load Listing (Table 1)
required to be stocked by organizational mainte-
a. Source Codes. This column is subdivided into
nance as their prescribed load. It indicates the guide
four columns. The titles and information provided
quantity factors to be used for initial repair parts
in each column are as follows:
stockage by direct and general support, and recom-
(1) Materiel, This column is left blank. For
mends quantities of repair parts for depot mainte-
identification of agencies assigned supply
nance. Information and data contained herein serve
responsibility for parts, refer to appropriate
as requisitioning reference material, and as a guide
Federal and Department of Army Supply
to determine stockage quantities of repair parts.
b. Price information for stock-type repair parts
(2) Source. The selection status and source of
may be obtained from applicable Federal Supply
supply for each part are indicated by one
Catalogs and/or Supply Management Data and
of the following code symbols.
Price List (ML) of the Department of Defense
(a) P--applied to high-mortality repair parts
Supply agencies.
which are stocked in or supplied from
c. Repair parts lists are arranged as follows:
the Army Supply System, and authorized
(1) Individual parts and major assemblies are
for use at indicated maintenance cate-
listed alphabetically by item name within
the functional groups.
(b) Pi--applied to repair parts which are
low-mortality parts, stocked in or sup-
(2) Assembly components and subassemblies
plied from the Army Supply System and
are indented and listed alphabetically by
authorized for installation at indicated
item name under major assemblies.
maintenance categories.
(3) Bulk material is listed in functional group
(c) M--applied to repair parts which are
not procured or stocked but are to be
d. Allowances are based on 1000 hours opera-
manufactured at indicated maintenance
tional per year.
e. Part I of Section II applies to all models cov-
(d) X1--applied to repair parts which are
ered in this manual,
not procured or stocked, the requirement
for which will be supplied by use of
Reciprocating: Air, Hand Truck Mounted, Gaso-
next higher assembly or components.
line: 8 cfm: 175 psi (Champion Pneumatic Model
(e) X2-applied to repair parts which are
LP-832-ENG-2) FSN 4310-788-8969.
not stocked. The indicated maintenance
category requiring such repair parts will
attempt to obtain them through canni-
Reciprocating: Air, Hand Truck Mounted, Gaso-