TM 5-4310-276-14
Section I.
(3) Open sites should be improved hardstand,
if available. Unimproved sites should be firm, well
a. These instructions are published for use by
drained, and kept free of excessive vegetation.
personnel to whom the Model G-311-PC Recip-
rotating Compressor is issued. Chapters 1 through 4
b. Storage Plan.
provide information on operation, preventive main-
(1) Store equipment so as to provide max-
tenance services, and organizational maintenance of
imum protection from the elements and to provide
equipment, accessories, components and attach-
access for inspection, maintenance, and exercising
Anticipate removal or deployment problems and
ments. Chapters 5 through 7 provide information
take suitable precaution.
for direct and general support maintenance. Also
included are descriptions of main units and their
(2) Take into account environmental condi-
functions in relationship to other components.
tions such as extreme heat or cold; high humidity;
b. Numbers in parentheses following nomen-
blowing sand, duet, or loose debris; soft ground;
clature callouts on illustrations indicate quantity.
thereof and take adequate precautions.
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records
(3) Establish a fire plan and provide for ade-
a. DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and
quate firefighting equipment and personnel.
Maintenance Worksheet).
(4) For further information, refer to TM 740-
b. DA Form 2407 (Maintenance Request Used
90-1 (Administrative Storage).
for Requesting Support Maintenance.
c. DA Form 2407-1 (Continuation Sheet Used for
Destruction of Army Material to
Requesting Support Maintenance.
P r e v e n t Enemy Use
a. Demolition of Air Compressors. Methods of
d. F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n , r e f e r t o
DA Pam 738-750, The Army Maintenance
destruction should achieve such damage to equip-
Management System (TAMMS).
ment and repair parts that it will not be possible to
restore the equipment to a usable condition in the
combat zone either by repair or cannibalisation.
(1) Mechanical destruction. Using an axe,
Hand receipts for the End Item/Component of
pick, sledge hammer, or any heavy implement, dam-
End Item (COEI), Basic Issue Items (BII), and Addi-
age the engine assembly, air receiver tank and all
tional Authorized List (AAL) items are published in
other vital parts.
a Hand Receipt Manual. The Hand Receipt Manual
numerical designation is the same as the related
gram) charges on the following items for demolition
Technical Manual with the letters HR added to the
number. These manuals are published to lid in
(a) One 1/2-pound (0.225 kg) charge be-
property accountability and are available through:
tween fuel tank and the air receiver tank.
Commander, US Army Adjutant General Publica-
(b) One 1/2-pound (0.225 kg) charge be-
t i o n Center, 2800 Eastern Blvd., Balti-
more, MD 21220-2896.
b. Additional lnformation. For additional in-
formation on procedures for destruction of equip-
1-3. Administrative Storage
ment to prevent enemy use, refer to TM 750-244.9.
a. Storage Site.
(1) Select the best available site for adminis-
Error and
trative storage. Separate stored equipment from
mending Improvements
equipment in use. Conspicuously mark the area
"Administrative Storage".
(2) Covered space is preferred. When suf-
ficient covered space for all items to be stored is not
available, priority should be given to items which
Change 5